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How to Install & Configure Git

For Windows User

  • You will need to install Git Bash for Windows.
  • Just follow the installation instructions on the page and choose the default settings.

For macOS User

  • Open Terminal app on your macOS.
  • Just copy and paste the following command in your terminal, then hit enter key, to check your git version, it will prompt you to install Git if you haven't already.

    git --version

For Linux (Ubuntu/Debian) User

  • Check Git Installation
    git --version
  • If it is not already installed, use the following command in shell / terminal
    sudo apt install git-all

For Linux (Fedora) User

  • Check Git Installation
    git --version
  • If it is not already installed, use the following command in shell / terminal
    sudo yum install git

Configure Git

From now onwards, the commands used in this workshop will be done in a terminal window (Windows: Git Bash, macOS: Terminal or whatever shell, Linux: Bash or whatever shell)

Setting up Git username and email address

Just letting Git know who you are. If you already have a GitHub account, keep the email address for your Git at local same as your GitHub email address.

  • To check current username and email address for Git.
  • It returns nothing if no name/email has been set.

git config --global
git config --global

  • To set username and email address for Git.
  • --global means to set for all the repositories on your machine.
  • If you only want to set for a single repository, do it without the --global flag.

git config --global "Tom Cruise"
git config --global "[email protected]"

Reference: - Getting Started - Installing Git