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Android IAP 2020 Workshop Introduction

Welcome to 3DC's Android Workshop for 2021! On this website you will find resources and information related to the workshop.

For updates, join our Telegram group:

Stream Link: Please join the Microsoft Teams Group, we will be streaming our sessions there.


  • Jason Chow
  • Naomi Kong-Vega
  • Oei Kai Xun


Before the workshop begins, do take a look at the pre-reading material (can be found on the left navigation bar). The material will guide you through installing Android Studio and some Java Basics.

Session 1 (11 Jan Monday, 2pm-6pm): Android Fundamentals. Participants will learn the fundamentals of the architecture underlying an Android application. They will learn how to create UI elements and how to create interactions between the user and these elements.

Full completed project for Session 1:

Session 2 (12 Jan Tuesday, 2pm-6pm): App Interactivity. Participants will learn how to add deeper online integrations into their application with Firebase Auth and Realtime Database and Storage

Full completed project for Session 2:

Note for Session 2 Project downloaders: I strongly recommend you to use this project only for reference, because to get this project to work, you will also need to go through all the Firebase Console steps still. You will also need to download google-services.json into your project's app folder.

Note: If you use git to clone Session 2, remember to switch to the day2 branch.


Refer to the navigation bar on the left for resources


Session 1

Session 2